Help documentation has been added for the AB 1513 Safe Harbor report.  This documentation will be updated when you download the latest version through the Check for Updates option.

To access the documentation press the F1 key from the AB 1513 Safe Harbor Report or go to Help > click on the Index tab > Search for AB 1513.Screen Shot - Safe Harbor Report Help

We will be recording an instructional video soon and will post it on the blog as soon as its ready!

Note 1: The AB 1513 Safe Harbor Report is a custom report for customers that are or may be taking the safe harbor provision in the AB 1513 to make restitution payments for missed break wages. You can contact Brian at for more information on the report and the cost.

Note 2: On Networks, the Help file must be accessed from your local drive/computer.  If your Help is not working contact our support department at for instructions on how to copy your Help files to your local drive. 


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