If you sell to Walmart or Sam’s Club and are required to have PTI Case Labeling/SSCC Labels, we want to inform you of a recent update to our optional PTI Case Labeling module that includes these label printing options.
Walmart suppliers are required to be in compliance with Shipping/Pallet Label Requirements no later than 01/01/2023.
If you would like to add this module to your Datatech software, please contact Jason Titterington:
Email: Jason@datatechag.com
Call: 800-888-3282.
PTI Case Labels
Over the years, we have been asked for various custom versions of the PTI case label. In 2018, we developed the current Walmart label to match their revised specifications, which is defined in our program as the “RW10” format.

This is a sample of the current Walmart format; this label is 4” X 2”.
If you are currently using label formats R7, R8, or R9, the program will automatically start using the new format requirements.
This format includes the following:
UPC Barcode: This barcode will only print if there is a UPC # for the item in the product code table. This is a Walmart specification if the product has a UPC code.
PLU #: This number will only print if there is a PLU # defined for the item in the product code table. This is a Walmart specification if the product has a PLU #.
Pack Date: You can print the pack date, harvest date, a Julian date code (not Walmart compliant) or you can leave this area blank. Walmart expects a date as well as the date in the GS1-128 barcode at the top.
Note: If you do not sell to Walmart, you can omit the UPC and PLU # by not entering this information in the product code table. You may also omit the date, or use the Julian date code if this is acceptable to your customers.
SSCC Label
Walmart has recently started requiring an SSCC Label on pallets. This is separate from the pallet tag that you may be using in our program for inventory control and traceability.
We have completed the programming for the SSCC label. These features are available in the latest software update for The Shipper’s Office for those who already have the Case Labeling module installed.
To the left is a sample of the SSCC label.

The SSCC barcode contains your GS1 company prefix as well as a Serial # for the pallet. This Serial # is unique for each pallet but does not have any relationship to the pallet tag # in our program.
These additional labels are printed by warehouse personnel during the shipping process.
Walmart requires that two SSCC labels be attached to each pallet. They must be applied to the pallet in accord with Walmart’s instructions.
Printer Requirements
The minimum size of the label is 4” W X 4.5” L. If you purchase a separate SSCC label, you will need a separate label printer. You may also need a separate printer if the receiving area where pallet tags are printed is not the same area as shipping. If you have a pallet tag that is larger, you may be able to use the pallet tag to avoid stocking two different size labels.
The Select Default Printers window now has an entry for SSCC Pallet Labels.
If you currently have the case labeling option in The Shipper’s Office, you will have the SSCC label options once you have updated to the current version.
Need to Add This Module?
If you need to begin using case labeling and SSCC labels, the case labeling module can be purchased and added to your Datatech software.
Contact Jason Titterington for more information:
Email: Jason@datatechag.com
Call: 800-888-3282.