2018 ACA Information Returns
Series 1 Volume 5
How-To Furnish 1095-C Forms to Employees
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Our last post in this series discussed reviewing and editing 1095-C source information in preparation for your final compile of 1095-C information. Now we will discuss furnishing the employees with their 1095-C forms.
Click HERE to view the attached instructions for this section of the process. You may also download the complete set of instructions HERE.
This post assumes you have already compiled your final 1095-C transactions during January 2019. Next you need to furnish each employee with their copy of the 1095-C form. The IRS has published the final version of the 2018 Instructions for Forms 1094-C and 1095-C , which indicates that these forms must be furnished by January 31, 2019. However the IRS has since extended the deadline to Monday, March 4, 2019. [Add To Calendar]
This means that the forms must be properly addressed, postmarked and mailed on or before that date. One of your first decisions will be to decide how you want to mail these forms. Some might decide to include them in the same envelope with employee W-2 forms, while others may choose to send them separately in their own mailer.
If you want to include them with W-2’s, consideration should be given to making sure the 1095-C format you choose will fit into the envelope for the W-2 format you have chosen. You can either choose the Portrait Mailer 1095-C or the IRS Landscape format. Both are 8.5″ X 11″ sheets, but the Portrait Mailer is designed to be folded in half and stuffed into a window envelope. The Landscape format, however, can be folded any way you like and stuffed into an envelope of your choosing.
If you want to send the 1095-C forms separate from W-2’s, you again have a choice of using a Portrait Mailer or IRS Landscape format. If you choose the Portrait Mailer, the HRM software can either print the information onto a preprinted form you have purchased from a supplier, or it can print the entire form onto blank paper. If you print onto blank paper, keep in mind that you still need to purchase envelopes designed for this mailer format.
If you choose the IRS Landscape format, the HRM software can either print the information onto a preprinted form, or it can print the entire form onto blank paper. It can then be folded and stuffed into the W-2 envelope, or it can be tri-folded and stuffed into a standard envelope designed for address labels. The HRM software can then print the associated address labels for all of the Full Time 1095-C transactions you are required to mail and report.
Caution: Make sure you have installed the latest update to the HRM software before using the mailing labels feature. This is because a Tax Year selector is needed in order to only print the Full Time 1095-C’s for the current Tax Year.
Also, please remember that the Portrait Mailer format is ONLY used for employee copies of the 1095-C forms. If you file your information return on paper, you should NEVER send the Portrait Mailer format to the IRS. Only the Landscape format is accepted when filing returns on paper.
Datatech is here to help our HRM Software users make the best use of their investment. If you have questions regarding any blog post in this series, please call or email Datatech Support.
Phone: (800)833-8824 Email: hrsupport@datatechag.com