Some new features have been added to help track bad employee addresses. Use the Check for Updates option to download the current version that includes these changes. Note: This update includes a change that requires an update to the payroll check database table. This change may take some time to complete, so it may be best to schedule installation of this update before or after normal hours or during a time that it won’t disrupt normal operations.
A checkbox has been added to the employee file to indicate that an employee has a bad mailing address. You can check this box when you have a W-2 or other piece of mail returned as not deliverable.
If you obtain a new address for an employee that previously had a bad address, make sure to uncheck the Bad address box.
We have also added a checkbox to indicate a bad address on the employee entry window in the Human Resource Management program.
Last year we included a feature to skip printing W-2’s for employees that are missing an address. This feature has been extended to also skip printing W-2’s if the employee account has had their address flagged as bad. (Of course, if an employee with a bad address picks up their W-2 in person, you can always print the W-2 on demand.)
Of course, this option should only be used when printing the employee copy. If you submit W-2’s to the SSA on paper and not electronically, you will need to print all employees regardless of the status of their address.
A similar option is available when printing the 1095-C forms in the Human Resource Management program:
Since many customers have kept track of bad addresses when sending out AB 1513 notices and payments, the program can also update employee accounts with the bad address status that was recorded in the AB 1513 employee file. Keep in mind that the AB 1513 employee file is a separate database table. The Bad Address status is not automatically transferred to the main employee file. To flag accounts in the main employee file that have bad addresses recorded in the Safe Harbor Employee file, right click on the Bad checkbox and use the option on the popup menu to import the status from the 1513 employee file:
Finally, a selection has been added to the Employee List window to select employees to print based on their Bad Address status: