If you have updated to Version 7.96.596 - 7.98.600 or 8.96.596 - 8.98.600 please disable the following new feature
There is a new feature in your HRM software for those who wish to include employees with future enrollment dates in their current enrollment file. When this new feature is active, new enrollment records scheduled to start after the selected Coverage Ending Date/As Of Date will be included in the enrollment file.
Most customers will not need to use this new feature.
However, this feature was selected by default in versions 7.96.596 – 7.98.600 and 8.96.596 – 8.98.600 and must be manually disabled. If you have not updated to these versions no action is necessary. Any version 7.96.601/8.96.601 or higher will no longer have this feature automatically selected.
If this is not something your company wants to use, please disable this option. To do this, go to Tools > HR Setup. On the Health Insurance tab, clear the checkbox Include employees to be enrolled in the future when generating enrollment file. Then, click Save. See the following image:

If you choose to use this option, a window will appear when you create an enrollment list with a total count of enrollees and the total number of future enrollees included in the file. See the following image:

If you have already sent an enrollment list to your health insurance company with futures enrollees, your insurance company may contact you to confirm the information. You will need to create a new enrollment list (after disabling this feature) to override the prior file.
If you have questions regarding this feature, please contact Datatech Support:
Phone: (800) 833-8824 Ext. 118
Email: hrsupport@datatechag.com