Fresno, California – As Datatech has reported, Cal/OSHA has moved forward to put into effect their published emergency regulation on injury and illnesses reporting on Form 300A. OSHA had published the emergency regulation last month and now employers will have to comply.
The emergency regulation from Cal/OSHA is requiring all employers with over 250 employees or businesses deemed hazardous like agriculture who have 20 to 249 employees file their 300A forms for 2017 work related injuries electronically by December 31, 2018
Farm employer agencies who chimed in on this after last months announcement of the emergency regulation say Cal/OSHA was trying to come inline with the Feds on this report process. Jason Resnick, VP and General Counsel with Western Growers Associations says, “Affected employers are now required to submit their 300A summaries online each year and should follow the instructions on federal OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application webpage. The emergency regulation has been approved by the Office of Administrative Law so they are in effect now. Cal/OSHA will proceed with the formal rulemaking process to make the emergency regulations permanent.”
OSHA compliance reporting is some of the most time-consuming documenting Ag employers must do, even if it is now e-filed. Datatech’s Human Resources Management Software takes the ‘ain out of pain’ by compiling the report for you from data you’ve already entered throughout the year and makes the e-file process so much faster. Do in minutes what may take you hours.
If you have questions about Datatech’s HRM software or would like to request a free demonstration, contact Jason Titterington at 888-222-3282 extension 116.