
The information presented in these articles should not be construed as legal, accounting, or tax advice. 

Our employees are not accountants or lawyers and they do not provide accounting, tax, or legal advice.

You should consult with a professional advisor familiar with your particular factual situation for advice concerning specific accounting, tax, or legal matters before making any decisions.

Year W-2 & Electronic Files

This video will guide you through printing W2s and generating electronic W2 files, including how to add W2 information, the options for printing, and how to print.

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Year End Closing

This video will guide you through the year end closing process.

It will demonstrate how to archive and clear Year to Date totals, including…

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Quarterly Reports

This video will assist you in printing quarterly payroll reports from the Payroll Tax Reports Control Center window.

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Quarterly Closing

Learn how to archive and clear totals for Quarterly Closing through the Payroll Tax Reports Control Center window.

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943 With Covid Leave Credits

Prepare for year end processes now.

Recently, we held a webinar on year end preparation, closing, and tax reports for new customers and those with Covid related leave. All customers should review their processes and get a head start on 2020 payroll tax reports.

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