
The information presented in these articles should not be construed as legal, accounting, or tax advice. 

Our employees are not accountants or lawyers and they do not provide accounting, tax, or legal advice.

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Lesson 2.8b Employee Record Setup

Enter deductions and reimbursements on individual employee accounts. Also review an employee’s Benefits/History record, including recording new information and printing reports.

Finally, see how to use the Terminate and Rehire buttons on the bottom of the Employee Entry screen.

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Lesson 2.7 Sick Pay Plan Setup

Start setting up your Sick Pay Plans. This video will share examples for a California Accrual plan, Washington Accrual plan, and a Washington Lump Sum plan.

This video also explains how you can create a PTO plan if you do not have the HR module with Vacation Plan Setup. Lastly, learn where to enter a default sick pay plan from your Tools menu. 

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Lesson 2.4 Deductions Setup

Learn how to set up standard deductions. This video also includes steps to connect these deductions with Cost Centers/Crop IDs, Box 14 Mapping, and Box 12 Codes for W-2’s.

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