WARNING: IRS e-Services Phishing Scam
For those of you who are dealing with updating your IRS e-Services password/passphrase, be aware
The information presented in these articles should not be construed as legal, accounting, or tax advice.
Our employees are not accountants or lawyers and they do not provide accounting, tax, or legal advice.
You should consult with a professional advisor familiar with your particular factual situation for advice concerning specific accounting, tax, or legal matters before making any decisions.
For those of you who are dealing with updating your IRS e-Services password/passphrase, be aware
A preliminary Year End Update is available now for customers using The Farmer’s Office and
Now that the deadline for making AB 1513 Safe Harbor payments has passed, here are
A new update is available via the Tools->Check for Updates option that includes a change
If you are using the Look-Back method for sick pay hourly rate calculations and entered
Update 12/6/2016: The DIR has released additional details on the following page: Instructions for Payments
The IRS has released Notice 2016-70, which extends the due dates for furnishing 1095-C’s to
The most common error employers received in the 1095-C acknowledgement file was the TIN validation
Fresno, Calif.- As previously reported here at Datatech, the United States Customs and Immigration Services
For those of you who have an IRS e-Services account, you will want to make
If you are using Simpluris as your third party administrator to make Safe Harbor payments,
A couple of last minute corrections were made to the Create Checks option and the option
If you have just now succeeded in forgetting the debacle that was 1095-C and 1094-C
If you are using a third party administrative (TPA) service to issue payments and track
Question: Does the 4% method allow the employer to credit breaks that are overpaid in