FRESNO, California – Updated 8.2.2017 – Farm bill listening sessions have been expanded in California.
Datatech has learned through the Farm Bureau Federation that an additional listening session for the 2018 Farm Bill will now included Salinas’ Hartnell Community College on August 10 at 9:30 a.m.
This is a unique opportunity for farmers and ranchers to share policy priorities with the House Agriculture Committee ahead of renegotiating the Farm Bill for 2018. In the original article we noted recently released listening session across America, here are the updated Farm Bill listening events in California:
Listening Session Hosted by Chairman Mike Conaway (R-TX)
Saturday, August 5th at 9:00 AM
Modesto Junior College West Campus
Ag Pavilion, Brink Avenue, Modesto, CA 95358
Roundtable Hosted by Ranking Member Collin Peterson (D-MN)
Thursday, August 10th at 9:30 AM
Hartnell Community College
Steinbeck Hall, 411 Central Avenue, Salinas, CA 93901
Opportunities to share concerns at these listening sessions are rare. Those present will have the chance to address committee members, including those from California, on concerns you may have going into the next Farm Bill negotiation. This will be an outstanding opportunity to provide feedback on current programs in the Farm Bill and what changes you would like to see in the re-authorization. The Farm Bureau has created a list of suggested questions on various ag topics that you can view and download here.
Datatech has several clients in the Central and Salinas Valleys who use our Farmer’s Office, The Labor Contractor’s Office with Human Resources Management and The Shipper’s Office software programs that provide greater organization in ag cost accounting, payroll and produce inventory tracibility.
Washington, D.C. – Datatech continues to follow The House Agriculture Committee and their efforts to shape Farm Bill legislation for 2018. Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) and Ranking Member Collin Peterson (MN-7) have announced more committee listening sessions ahead of 2018. Three new listening sessions will be in Texas, Minnesota and in Central California on August 5 in Modesto.

The listening session series is called “The Next Farm Bill, Conversations in the Field,” and is designed to gather input from farmers, ranchers and stakeholders across the country.
Chairman Conaway remarked that gaining perspectives in the field is vital given the state of Agriculture, “With the farm economy in its worst slide since the Great Depression, producers in every region of the country have important perspectives about what is and isn’t working in agricultural policy. I’m looking forward to taking what we heard in Florida and adding new perspectives as we travel across the country to ensure we craft the strong farm bill our country deserves.”
The Farm Bill which is enacted every five years in Congress impacts millions of Americans. It consists of 12 major areas: commodities, conservation, trade, nutrition, credit, rural development, research, forestry, energy, specialty crops and horticulture, crop insurance, and miscellaneous programs. Given issues with labor, it wouldn’t be surprising that this topic is covered as well.
Ranking Member Peterson also expressed his desire to hear what’s important in the field, “These listening sessions are a continuation of the Committee’s review of farm bill programs and I’m looking forward to hearing directly from farmers and others impacted by the farm bill. Real world examples of what is, and maybe isn’t, working will help better inform Committee members when we begin the task of writing a new farm bill.”
Listening Session Schedule:
July 31, 2017, San Angelo, Texas
Aug. 3, 2017, Morgan, Minn.
Aug. 5, 2017, Modesto, Calf.
Times and meeting places have yet to be announced.
Datatech provides ag cost accounting, payroll and inventory/sales software solutions to growers,
farm labor contractors and fresh produce packers and shippers in over 20 states in America.