New Oregon Quarterly electronic files and printed reports
The Print Quarterly Payroll Reports option has been updated to generate electronic files suitable for uploading the Form 132 and Schedule B information to the Oregon Payroll Reporting System (ORPS) web site. It will also now generate printed reports according to the blank paper specifications provided by Oregon.
Oregon Reporting
Some customers have requested that the program print these forms to keep in their files. These reports can also be used to verify information in the generated electronic files before uploading to the OPRS web site.
Go to Tools > Check for Updates to download the latest version of Datatech software.
How To Generate Files
To generate the electronic reporting files for the Oregon Payroll Reporting System, go to Payroll > Quarterly Tax Reporting > Quarterly State Reports.
1. Select the Quarter and enter the Year you are reporting.
2. Enter “OR” in State to Print. (You do not need to select any other options before previewing to generate the files.)
3. Click Preview, the Oregon Form-OQ window will appear. Enter the amount of taxes you have paid for the quarter by tax type (Image 2) and click Ok. (See note below regarding Form OQ.)
4. Print the reports or save them digitally for your records.
5. Then carefully review and confirm all information is correct on the forms before uploading these files to the OPRS.
Note: Although the OPRS has provided a file specification for Form OQ and the program generates a file based on that, as of October 1, 2019, the OPRS does not have an option to upload this file. This means Form OQ information must be typed in manually to the OPRS web site.
You can enter payments made into the Oregon Form-OQ window that will print on the form generated by the program. Then you can use those pages to assist you when entering this information manually into OPRS.
When you click Preview or Print, the program will generate the printed reports and all three files for reporting (Form 132, Form OQ, and Schedule B).
The program will open a Windows Explorer window displaying the electronic files that were generated. Leave this window up for quick access when uploading. You can drag and drop the files from this Window into your browser window on the OPRS Import pages. (Image 3)

Where to Find the Generated Files
If you don’t leave the Explorer window open, you can navigate to the saved files when ready to upload. They will automatically be saved in “MagMedia\OR\YYYY\Q#” (under the data folder).
This is different from previous years. The new file system will now place each year and quarter folder under OR to simplify the path.

Ready to Upload to the OPRS?
Please check all information on the printed copies of the reports before uploading files to the OPRS. Then verify the correct data has been uploaded as you go through the wizard.
Uploading Your Files
Once you are in the OPRS, the Form 132 – Entry Method screen will ask how you would like to complete your Form 132. Select Import data from an outside source.
On the Form 132 – Importing screen (Image 4) and Schedule B – Importing screen, you will choose Delimited Text (ASCII) for the Data Format. Then you will choose the corresponding .txt file. You may either click on the Choose File button or drag and drop the file from the Explorer window into your browser window.
Do NOT change the column order or any of the other format settings on this page.
Click Import in the bottom right corner of the page to actually upload the file to the OPRS web site.
If you have questions about using the OPRS system, please see the Oregon Payroll Reporting System’s FAQ section
Reminder: When prompted for OQ information, this must be done manually at this time. Refer to your printed form for wage and payment information.
Questions on updating your software or generating the files?
Contact our support department at or (888) 222-3282 option 1.