Fresno, California – It’s back! The guest worker bill, formerly known as the ‘Ag Act’ has been reintroduced under a new name and house resolution number. The AG and Legal Workforce Act (H.R. 6417) is out of the bag with bipartisan support this time, but with no less opposition by those who oppose mandatory E-Verify.

When Datatech last reported on the House immigration vote it was said to be put off this summer and may still be. The ‘old’ AG Act introduced by House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) earlier this year, proposed a new H-2C guestworker program to update what was being called a ‘broken H-2A visa program’ to allow immigrant farm laborers into the States. The Trump Administration even chimed in and said, “We’re going to work to modernize H-2A.” Now the story continues with bipartisan support, Goodlatte has introduced the AG and Legal Workforce Act to redo the H-2A into H-2C guest worker visa program and mandate E-Verify, but no solution for the immigrant farm workers that are already here.

In promoting this latest legislation proposal, Goodlatte says, “To address illegal immigration, the bill gradually rolls out E-Verify nation-wide to ensure jobs are protected for legal workers.” Proponents say E-Verify cuts off the jobs magnet for illegal immigration. Co-Sponsor Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), says H.R.6417 also sets up the new H-2C guest worker program, “This bill will help address the shortage of workers that the agricultural industry has

been experiencing over the years by ensuring that there is a steady flow of labor. It will also allow experienced agricultural workers who are currently undocumented in the U.S. to join and participate in the H-2C program and work here legally. I respectfully ask for bipartisan support and urge swift passage of the Ag and Legal Workforce Act for America’s hardworking agricultural producers and farm workers.”

Still, E-Verify is a problem for some in Ag such as the California Farm Bureau Federation. The Association just put out a note to it’s ‘farm team’ to oppose H.R. 6417 calling it a “deeply flawed

new agricultural guest worker program with the mandatory use of E-Verify.” CFBF went on to state that immigration reform is a top priority, “We support an expanded guest worker program and a path to legal status for individuals currently working in agriculture. Unfortunately, ALWA falls far short of a solution for our farmers and employees.”

Through all of this, CFBF and Western Grower’s have stood firm that they welcome immigration reform and a fresh guest worker program, but not with a mandatory E-Verify and no way to deal with the many immigrant farm laborers already in America, some with families that have been here for years. Tom Nassif of Western Growers had previously stated his concerns about the AG Act and it would seem they’re still valid, “While these changes do represent modest improvements, the legislation still fails to address the most critical concerns of our membership, in particular as they relate to our current workforce, cap on visas, length of ‘touch-back’ and at-will employment.”

So while there’s bipartisan support for the AG and Legal Workforce Act, it would seem that Goodlatte and his sponsors, trying to bring the more conservative ‘Freedom Caucus’ of the GOP on board have included the E-Verify mandate. This debate is far from over and time will tell if we’ll see a vote sooner or later.

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