New Feature for the EDD OES Report

Are you are periodically asked to report occupational employment statistics (OES) by the Employment Development Department (EDD) of the State of California? If so, you will want to use our newest HRM Software feature, the EDD OES Report.

After you update your program to version or newer, you will find it listed under the Reports menu. When you receive a semiannual OES Survey from the EDD, use the instructions below to create an Excel file for submitting the data.

Instructions for Creating Excel File

When you select the report, the Occupational Employment Statics Report window will open.

  • The EDD Survey letter will contain a date for which it is requesting statistics. Enter that date in the Date Worked entry.
  • In the Default Position entry, enter the position you wish to appear for any employee who does not have a Position specified on their employee file.
  • If desired, you may select the “Use Department” checkbox to further refine the data statistics (if you are already assigning employees to a Department on their employee file.)
  • If desired, you may select the “Print Employee Names on Report” checkbox. This allows the user to see which employees are being reported for audit purposes only. These names will not be exported to the Excel file as they are not needed or used by the EDD.
  • Enter a filename and select the appropriate network folder in which to save the Excel report.
  • Click Preview to generate and save the report. Then follow the EDD instructions for submitting your survey report.

The report includes both Hourly and Salaried employees. As long as piecework hours appear on payroll entries, the software will calculate the hourly wages that include piecework wages. You can edit all amounts in the report in Excel, by user, as needed.

Salaried employees will also show an Annual Wage. The software calculates this by using the current Salary rate on the employee file and multiples it appropriately by the Pay Cycle of the employee. If the rate for the date reported was different than the current rate, the user can edit it in Excel.

The software will create both a PDF report as shown here, as well as an Excel file with the same information.

For questions regarding this new feature, or for suggestions on enhancing the reports’ capabilities, please contact Datatech Support for assistance.

Phone: (800) 833-8824 Email:

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