One point in the AB 1513 (Piece-rate Compensation) Regulations* has been overlooked by many employers.  When any piece-rate compensation is made in a workweek, all rest & recovery time, including those taken on days when paid at an hourly rate, must be paid at the Regular Rate of Pay.

The Frequently Asked Section of California’s DIR website ( includes multiple pay scenarios and how rest & recovery should be calculated. Following is one of the examples from their site:

How does an employer determine the average hourly rate to be paid for rest and recovery periods?

For a workweek with both piece-rate work and hourly work:

  • An employee works a 5-day, 40-hour workweek.
  • On two 8-hour days of this workweek (for a total of 16 hours), the employee works at an hourly rate of $10/hour, and does no piece-rate work.
  • On the other three days of the week (for a total of 24 hours), the employee does piece-rate work only and earns a total of $300 in piece-rate compensation.
  • On each day of the workweek, the employee has two 10-minute rest periods authorized and permitted, for a total of 100 minutes (1.67 hours) of rest periods for the workweek.
  • On the two hourly-work days, these rest periods are compensated at the $10 hourly wage.

The average hourly rate to be paid for the rest periods for this employee is calculated as follows:

$453.30 (total compensation for the workweek not including compensation for rest and recovery periods, which is the $300 in piece-rate compensation, plus the $160 for hourly work, less $6.70, which is the compensation for the 40 minutes of rest and recovery periods on the two hourly-rate days)
÷ 38.33 hours (which is 40 hours less the 1.67 hours of rest period time)
= $11.83/hour

[NOTE:  For the days on which the employee worked at an hourly rate, $10/hour of this time is already been paid as part of the hourly rate.  For those two days, the employee is owed only an additional $1.83/hour for the rest periods.  For the days on which the employee did piece-rate work, the rate to be paid for the rest periods is $11.83.]

Total compensation for the workweek
$160 (for the hourly rate work on two days)
+ $300 (the piece-rate compensation)
+ [$1.83 x .67 hours = $1.23] (the additional amount owed for the rest periods on the hourly rate days to bring them to the average hourly rate for the workweek)
+ $11.83 x 1.0 hour (for the rest periods on the piece-rate days)
= $473.06.

In order to have Datatech software calculate and pay the rest & recovery on hourly days accurately, you’ll need to make two entries.  One with the regular hours, minus the rest & recovery time.  The rest & recovery time would be entered separately, utilizing the Wage and/or Job Code necessary for the Rest & Recovery report to calculate and update the pay  rates.

For example, in a ten hour day with two breaks, you would have an entry with 9.667 hours at the employees’ hourly rate.  A second entry with .334 hours of rest & recovery would also be entered.  The Rest & Recovery report will then update the pay rate on the rest & recovery entries with the employees’ regular rate of pay, along with the other breaks taken in the workweek.

*California Regulation.  This may not apply to all states.

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