FRESNO, Calif. – Each year the farm labor contractor industry is given the opportunity to engage legislators and their staff on the important industry issues. Farm labor contractors make up a significant number of Datatech clients who use our Farm Labor Contractor’s office payroll with HR management software. Datatech actively reports on many of the industry issues. The 7th Annual Legislative Action Day sponsored by California Farm Labor Contractor’s Association, of which Datatech is a member, is this Wednesday, May 3 in Sacramento.

Farm labor contractors and human resources staff can join the California Farm Labor Contractor’s Association and the Agricultural Personnel Management Association for an opportunity for FLC’s and their supporters to learn about critical legislative issues impacting the industry, and to meet with legislators and their staff to educate them on how proposed legislation will impact the industry. Beyond that and perhaps more important, is the opportunity to educate legislators on the realities of the FLC industry. Industry leaders say many years of negative stereotyping has impacted the FLC industry.
This year, there are some significant bills impacting FLC’s, such as SB 295 which would further increase FLC requirements under sexual harassment prevention. Additionally, CFLCA is promoting AB 815 which will streamline the FLC licensing process. There are also proposals to require additional registrations for FLCs who use the H2A Visa program. Other bills will impact workers compensation insurance, and workplace discrimination issues.
If you’d like to add your voice to the association’s efforts in Sacramento for legislation and to protect and promote the industry, then you should attend.
The location of this year’s event is at the Citizen Hotel in Sacramento and is sponsored by the CFLCA, you can register online by following this link.