Filing Corrections Electronically?

If you electronically report 1095-C corrections, the newest update to the HRM Software affects you. To review this process, please see our prior blog post and instructions HERE.

Version or newer contains a program enhancement which will assist you when reporting 1095-C corrections electronically. When you generate a Correction (1095-C) file, the program will now display a list (as shown in the following image) of all 1095-C forms that were originally submitted.

The new grid will include the employee Account #, Name, and S.S. #. When the program detects a change, the Report column checkbox will automatically be selected for that employee’s 1095-C file. Changes in the Name/SSN, Part 2, or Part 3 sections will be indicated by the checkboxes in those columns. You can select or deselect employees to report according to your needs. Usually you will not need to make changes to the accounts selected.

Select Corrected 1095-C Forms to Report

After you have reviewed this grid, you will need to finish creating a new correction file and then upload it to the IRS e-Services site.

If you have any questions, please contact Datatech Support:

Phone: (800) 833-8824 Email:

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