California Supplemental Paid Sick Leave
On April 16, CA Governor Newsom signed an order creating a new COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave that requires employers, who are covered by Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Orders 3, 8, 13, and 14, Health & Safety Code section 113789 and have 500 or more employees, to provide up to two weeks (80 hours) of supplemental paid sick leave to food sector workers unable to work due to COVID-19.
It also establishes a hand washing standard, allowing employees working in a food facility to wash their hands every 30 minutes or more, as needed.
Affected employers using Datatech software may set up a separate wage type in order to track this supplemental paid sick leave. The Base Pay Type should be set to “Paid Leave” since this is supplemental and separate from the normal sick pay plan.