Fresno, California – In what Human Resources experts say is a huge reprieve for employers, the Trump Administration has put a hold on revisions to the EEO-1 report required by employers. Datatech has received several inquiries about revisions to the 2017 EEO-1 report that would require additional programming in our HR program so that you can file the report.

The hold was announced by the EEOC on Tuesday, August 29, 2017.
The Obama Administration had added reporting compensation to the report and supporters said this would help stop pay discrimination. Opponents decried the time and extra work to compile the data.
Datatech President Isaac Davidian commented on this change, “Datatech has been reviewing the additional programming needed for this report and we were ready to start the programming. However, since the requirement for this new report has been postponed by the White House for 2017, and will quite possibly be changed or eliminated, Datatech will put any programming changes for this report on hold until we have the specifications for programming the report beyond what’s currently in our software.”
If you are required to submit the EEO-1 Report for 2017, it will be submitted in the same format as prior years, so there will not be any change in our software at this time. Instead of the September 30th due date, the new date will be March 31, 2018.
Davidian assures Datatech clients. “As always, we will continue to enhance our software for new Federal and State reporting requirements.”
Datatech serves hundreds of clients in the Agriculture Industry and is particularly designed for farmers, labor contractors and produce shippers and brokers.