Datatech expands Support/Training pages
Fresno, California – In an effort to help our clients grow in their learning and make the most of their software purchase, we continue to expand and reorganize the Support/Training videos pages of our website. Supporting clients with our friendly Support and Training staff on the phone, online and in person is an extremely important part our overall mission to provide leading software solutions in ag cost-accounting, payroll, inventory and sales and excellent customer service.
Time is money and we strive to help clients simplify their daily cost accounting and payroll entry to save hours in the workday. Datatech client Cindy Kramer from Farmex and Sundance Orchards in Sanger, California says Datatech has given them their time back, “The more we explore it(Datatech Software), the more we are freed up from what we were doing before.” Farmex and Sundance made the jump from doing their accounting, inventory and sales by hand with spreadsheets to Datatech’s ‘The Shipper’s Office’ software with payroll, “Following the information for payables and receivables on the office side is so much easier than it was for the employees. I recommend it to anybody. For us it was a quantum leap!”
To aid Farmex and Sundance Orchards and all our clients, Datatech’s Support/Training videos have now been re-organized into sections such as ‘Payroll’; ‘Webinar Training’; ‘Accounts Payable’ and ‘Human Resource Management.’ These sections include training videos for refreshers on initial training with Datatech’s Training Manager, Hannah Tarrats, and many topics to help clients refresh their learning for various training in quarterly and annual reporting. Knowledge is power.
The new ‘Accounts Payable’ section includes the first webinar training video on ‘Bank Reconcilement Training’ for new clients and those that would like a refresher for their monthly reconciliation process. Clients will now also find a new training video on a recent software update that allows for creating new rules for piece work ‘break’ line items in Datatech’s payroll software. Just another way Datatech is being responsive to your needs and requests.
These training videos are available 24/7, 365 days a year on DatatechAg.com/Support.
Ready? Get set! Learn! It’s that easy.
Datatech software clients are found across America as farmers, growers, labor contractors and produce packers, shippers and brokers; and they’ve been enjoying time savings and greater efficiency with their daily payroll, cost accounting, real time inventory and sales solutions since 1980.