Year End Update First Look: New W-4 (Part 1)
New W-4 for 2020 The IRS has completely redesigned the W-4 for 2020. The draft
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Our employees are not accountants or lawyers and they do not provide accounting, tax, or legal advice.
You should consult with a professional advisor familiar with your particular factual situation for advice concerning specific accounting, tax, or legal matters before making any decisions.
New W-4 for 2020 The IRS has completely redesigned the W-4 for 2020. The draft
New Way of Calculating Income Tax As mentioned in Part 1, one of the reasons
Changes Made to Withholding Calculations In Part 2, we took a look at the changes
Impact on State Withholding In some cases, when employees fill out the W-4, the allowances
Custom Order There is a new feature on the Crew Sheet Entry Wizard. It is
New Oregon Quarterly electronic files and printed reports The Print Quarterly Payroll Reports option has
Note: An update was published on 7/19/19 to correct the format of the Employee Name
California’s new retirement savings program opens on July 1st. Employers that do not already offer
As many crops are gearing up for harvest, now is a good time to review
Have you received an “Employee Correction Request” (or No-Match) letter from Social Security Administration? If
Fresno, California – Datatech is in the process of updating our software to apply this
As many of you know, Oregon is enacting a new statewide transit tax starting July
UPDATE 6.1.18 Fresno, California –Datatech has received the California Employment Development Department’s May 2018 Unemployment
There has been a new feature introduced to our Human Resources Management program. The Generate
Withholding tables for 2018 for the state of Oregon have been released, and we have